1.   I have a great weakness for fresh herbs and love the scent of basil and tarragon.

2.   I love the scent of wood smoke.

3.   She loved the scent in the house of wax polish.

4.   I have used it and loved the scent for years.

5.   I would be overcome with gladness because I loved that scent.

6.   Those who love a scent stick with it through thick and thin.

v. + scent >>共 117
catch 7.63%
follow 4.82%
have 4.82%
release 4.82%
detect 3.61%
use 3.21%
inhale 2.81%
love 2.41%
find 2.01%
carry 2.01%
love + n. >>共 1634
game 3.15%
job 1.84%
child 1.76%
music 1.74%
sport 1.67%
way 1.56%
idea 1.50%
one 1.46%
people 1.40%
country 1.35%
scent 0.09%
每页显示:    共 6