1.   Likewise, a plaintiff whose contract entitles him to his wages during incapacity has suffered no loss of wages and so cannot recover damages for lost wages.

2.   And most cap payments for lost wages at well below what the employees were paid.

3.   Anyone who sued successfully under the law could be compensated for his actual damages, typically medical expenses and lost wages and any damaged property.

4.   Back pay is compensation for lost wages between the time of termination and the time of trial.

5.   Before, plaintiffs could sue only for lost wages, making it difficult to get lawyers to take up their cause.

6.   Actual damages typically include medical expenses and lost wages, while punitive damages are imposed by juries to punish companies for particularly outrageous behavior.

7.   Burn victims can recover their medical bills and lost wages plus money for their pain.

8.   But lost wages do not show up for years after graduation, obscuring the message.

9.   But the patient may not sue for suffering, lost wages or any other damages, even if the lack of treatment allowed the cancer to spread.

10.   But they would be allowed to seek unlimited damages for economic suffering like lost wages.

a. + wage >>共 512
higher 16.41%
low 7.57%
back 5.13%
real 4.59%
lower 4.21%
rising 3.89%
unpaid 3.69%
hourly 2.46%
high 2.37%
average 2.33%
lost 2.24%
lost + n. >>共 882
time 6.36%
ground 5.07%
revenue 4.74%
opportunity 2.41%
wage 2.19%
job 1.95%
money 1.86%
business 1.79%
soul 1.79%
control 1.64%
每页显示:    共 98