1.   The National Front for Democracy and Change, led by Aristide, is a loose coalition of peasants, trade unionists, intellectuals and anti-Duvalierists.

2.   President Aquino is supported by a loose coalition centred upon the Laban ng Demokratikong Pilipino.

3.   Both the government and the opposition are supported by loose coalitions consisting of many political parties.

4.   And a loose coalition of gun-control groups has pledged to spend several million dollars helping to elect their friends, most of them Democrats.

5.   As in Ireland, opposition to EU expansion across the continent has been led by a loose coalition of nationalists, pacifists, antiglobalization activists, and environmentalists.

6.   But at the same time, the Ms. Foundation has helped to form a loose coalition of groups to create an event for boys.

7.   Convergencia governed with the socialists in a loose coalition that ended last July, leading Prime Minister Felipe Gonzalez to call early elections.

8.   He said that the biggest roadblock to progress had been the continuing faceoff between Lavalas and the Democratic Convergence, a loose coalition of opposition parties.

9.   His account was based on intelligence obtained by the Northern Alliance, a loose coalition supported mainly by minority ethnic groups, including the Tajiks.

10.   In the vacuum of her inactivity he has formed a loose coalition that could also be crucial to her if he chooses to support her.

a. + coalition >>共 727
ruling 14.46%
governing 9.14%
new 7.51%
international 3.19%
conservative 2.71%
center-left 2.03%
broad 1.97%
fragile 1.65%
leftist 1.51%
us-led 1.34%
loose 0.83%
loose + n. >>共 719
ball 19.01%
puck 6.82%
alliance 2.84%
change 2.17%
coalition 1.77%
confederation 1.40%
cartilage 1.34%
federation 0.94%
soil 0.90%
talk 0.87%
每页显示:    共 53