1.   Among them are longtime supporters of Hawkins, including Lois de Menil, Peter Wolf, Margaret H. Douglas-Hamilton, William P. Rayner and Mary Lawrence Porter.

2.   An unexpected bid for the leadership also emerged from a longtime Bruton supporter, Enda Kenny.

3.   And longtime Chafee supporters, like Phyllis Zito, are their prime target.

4.   And if Adams delivers on the promise he made Thursday, he will lose some longtime supporters like Martin McNulty.

5.   And most of them were longtime supporters flattered that a man of his stature had driven the three hours north from Spokane to visit.

6.   And now Sen. Bob Dole, a longtime public supporter of MFN, is suggesting that he would like to change his position.

7.   Another group, Change-N.Y., a longtime supporter of Pataki, has been more aggressive in attacking the bond act in editorial board meetings and public debates.

8.   Another longtime Clinton supporter assumed the same battle mode as Hillary.

9.   At least one longtime Democratic supporter said Thursday he is switching his support to Bush.

10.   Before he spoke, he ate breakfast with a small group of longtime supporters, joining them in the Merrimack Restaurant where John F. Kennedy launched his presidential campaign.

a. + supporter >>共 816
strong 6.34%
party 4.30%
staunch 3.09%
longtime 2.66%
ardent 2.36%
key 1.95%
political 1.83%
former 1.78%
armed 1.37%
rival 1.35%
longtime + n. >>共 1033
friend 12.74%
resident 4.05%
ally 3.43%
rival 2.78%
supporter 2.24%
coach 2.05%
member 1.74%
fan 1.64%
leader 1.44%
critic 1.38%
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