1.   A personal locator beacon the size of a brick is strapped to the deck of the kayak.

2.   Firefighters today are equipped with fireproof jackets, masks, air tanks and electronic locator beacons.

3.   The Air Force acknowledged on Monday that a pilot can disable a locator beacon on the ejector seat to prevent location by enemy troops.

4.   The underwater locator beacon was not attached to the recorder.

5.   The underwater locator beacon was attached and operative.

6.   There was considerable confusion over the possibility of a locator beacon being activated.

7.   Alan Blount, director of mission control at Washington University in St. Louis, said that an emergency locator beacon was activated about the time they lost contact.

8.   Crew members at mission control center in St. Louis said an emergency locator beacon was activated about the time they lost contact with Fossett.

9.   Searchers had a fix on the data recorder using pinging signals emitted by its locator beacon, he said.

10.   The first sign of distress was an emergency locator beacon that was triggered automatically.

n. + beacon >>共 29
distress 26.04%
locator 20.83%
navigation 6.25%
satellite 6.25%
avalanche 4.17%
lighthouse 4.17%
locater 3.13%
rescue 3.13%
microwave 2.08%
millennium 2.08%
locator + n. >>共 19
map 34.88%
beacon 23.26%
signal 5.81%
technology 5.81%
device 4.65%
service 4.65%
system 3.49%
beam 2.33%
number 2.33%
transmitter 2.33%
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