1.   Key results are summarised in the table of location decisions.

2.   Wage costs alone are unlikely to be the major factor in location decisions, except in the case of labour intensive industries.

3.   Are we providing subsidies to sprawl at the expense of other location decisions?

4.   The U.K. also is home to major LG customers, and Koo said satisfying those customers played a major role in the location decision.

5.   He said the final location decision would be made before the end of the year.

n. + decision >>共 716
court 19.82%
government 7.10%
policy 5.00%
business 4.84%
investment 3.70%
personnel 2.76%
split 2.61%
appeal 2.49%
majority 1.46%
management 1.36%
location 0.10%
location + n. >>共 115
information 10.81%
shoot 5.79%
scout 5.41%
manager 5.02%
datum 4.25%
system 2.70%
technology 2.70%
close 2.32%
work 2.32%
service 2.32%
decision 1.93%
每页显示:    共 5