1.   As the singer collapsed onto the lobby floor, DeLeon said he bent down to talk to her.

2.   After being turned away yet again by immigration officers in their quest for residency permits, the immigrants doused the lobby floor with a flammable liquid and ignited it.

3.   But the ground floor has been Africanized, through a sculpture, a mosaic and words of runaway slaves and their descendants etched into the lobby floor.

4.   Limestone, used on the exterior of the house, will cover the lobby floor.

5.   Shelter workers had mattresses spread on the lobby floor and in the fellowship hall at First Southern Baptist Church, but frayed nerves kept the two men from sleeping.

6.   The sculpture takes up large portions of the lobby floor, walls and ceiling of a warehouse owned by Helmsley-Spear.

7.   Then there is the workman having a heart attack on the lobby floor.

8.   This would be a lobby floor.

9.   Hotel manager Gordon Rostvold said the boy was looking over a railing on the sixth floor of the hotel atrium when he fell to the lobby floor.

10.   Now, Johnson and his men sit on the floor the lobby, munching on crackers and jam.

n. + floor >>共 422
dance 13.12%
ocean 7.66%
hardwood 4.60%
kitchen 4.38%
convention 3.84%
factory 3.55%
tile 2.96%
dirt 2.82%
forest 2.55%
parquet 2.37%
lobby 0.27%
lobby + n. >>共 122
group 32.56%
bar 5.23%
floor 2.91%
lounge 2.62%
area 2.33%
door 2.33%
reform 2.03%
window 2.03%
ceiling 1.74%
level 1.74%
每页显示:    共 10