1.   How many years have I lived there?

2.   But the man was not in the house, had never lived there, and, relatives say, was unknown to Wright or Foote.

3.   It probably would have lived had I left it where it was.

4.   One must live in order to have something to write about.

5.   Three-quarters of them were married or had lived with the same partner for more than five years, and they all had one or more children.

v. + have >>共 706
be 6.94%
have 5.18%
say 4.47%
work 1.96%
fight 1.96%
do 1.96%
figure 1.92%
lobby 1.71%
use 1.59%
sue 1.59%
live 0.25%
live + v. >>共 107
accord 10.59%
say 6.47%
have 3.53%
be 2.94%
leave 2.94%
undetect 2.94%
separate 2.35%
surround 2.35%
know 1.76%
concentrate 1.18%
每页显示:    共 6