1.   At least one made it sound as if the coach performed a heroic deed, falling on a live grenade or something, protecting innocent children.

2.   Agents also seized blasting caps, pyro fuse, live grenades, rifle and pistol primers and chemicals there, the search warrants indicated.

3.   Clinton, by contrast, was edgy, tight, defensive, treating every question with all the relaxation of a man catching live grenades.

4.   He treated fame like a live grenade, and avoided just about anything that threatened to raise his profile, including making music videos.

5.   Huddled at a respectful distance, Estevez and her children are staring at it as though it were a live grenade.

6.   It arrived on his stick courtesy of Billington and Dean Cheynoweth, who handled it as if it were a live grenade.

7.   No one will ever be able to say conclusively how a live grenade came to rest on the helicopter pad atop the hill.

8.   Reporters came upon the documents in musty basements and yards strewn with trash and live grenades and mines.

9.   The mango-shaded streets are an open-air museum of unexploded ordnance, littered with live grenades and undetonated cluster bomblets.

10.   This loss hit closer to home, like a live grenade rolled into a pup tent.

a. + grenade >>共 177
rocket-propelled 49.20%
anti-tank 6.01%
homemade 4.57%
smoke 3.13%
unexploded 2.46%
live 2.03%
second 1.27%
sound 1.10%
rifle-propelled 0.93%
the 0.93%
live + n. >>共 979
ammunition 5.83%
television 5.41%
coverage 3.91%
music 3.80%
performance 3.49%
broadcast 3.25%
animal 2.35%
show 2.06%
round 2.03%
bullet 1.61%
grenade 0.38%
每页显示:    共 24