1.   I saw a haughty little hedgehog and I was hooked.

2.   The little hedgehog smoothed her quills and tried to look dignified.

3.   ATTENTION BUSINESS EDITORS How did Sega topple Nintendo, its giant competitor, with the help of a little hedgehog?

4.   Readers with elephantine memories will no doubt remember the little hedgehog, who appears occasionally to throw his weight around on literary matters.

a. + hedgehog >>共 29
sonic 10.42%
young 10.42%
little 8.33%
pygmy 8.33%
african 4.17%
dead 4.17%
happy 4.17%
old 4.17%
pet 4.17%
bald 2.08%
little + n. >>共 1258
girl 7.40%
boy 4.80%
thing 3.30%
sign 2.30%
guy 1.77%
one 1.29%
town 1.17%
while 1.17%
kid 1.11%
better 0.98%
hedgehog 0.02%
每页显示:    共 4