1.   Like gases, liquids can flow.

2.   Putting a length of rubber tubing on to the attachment, she turned a bottle upside-down to allow the liquid to flow.

3.   In a matter of minutes, the flaming liquid was flowing through the corridors of the fort.

4.   A ridge running down the center of the trough defines the channel through which the liquid will flow.

n. + flow >>共 585
money 9.05%
water 7.56%
blood 3.99%
tear 3.67%
river 3.06%
oil 2.51%
traffic 2.41%
capital 1.90%
air 1.86%
power 1.62%
liquid 0.28%
liquid + v. >>共 131
be 21.88%
evaporate 12.76%
reduce 3.13%
have 2.60%
become 2.34%
contain 2.34%
run 1.82%
thicken 1.82%
flow 1.56%
cover 1.56%
每页显示:    共 6