1.   He said at a press meeting some people in Japan link humanitarian aid with unrelated issues.

2.   Human rights organizations urged donors to link aid to human rights.

3.   On Saturday, the New York-based rights group Human Rights Watch urged donors to link non-humanitarian aid to improvements in human rights.

4.   Relations between ASEAN countries and the EU has been strained by European attempts to link aid with human rights records.

5.   The team will recommend Brussels link financial aid to implementation of peace accords and deliver aid only to regions with cooperative leaders, he said.

6.   International Development Secretary Clare Short dismissed a leaked Downing Street plan to link aid to the return of asylum seekers to certain countries.

n. + aid >>共 316
food 34.64%
government 11.07%
development 9.34%
relief 4.69%
reconstruction 3.66%
disaster 2.73%
rice 2.46%
school 2.09%
student 1.46%
grant 1.33%
link 0.20%
link + n. >>共 258
fence 9.68%
course 5.68%
computer 4.00%
trade 3.37%
road 2.53%
golf 1.89%
record 1.26%
aid 1.26%
section 1.26%
sausage 1.05%
每页显示:    共 6