1.   But the opposition also reflects a lingering distrust for Giuliani among black and Hispanic politicians and public housing residents.

2.   The last attack left her with four stitches and a lingering distrust.

3.   The old political system spawned a lingering distrust of contraception, according to International Family Planning Perspectives, an academic journal.

4.   But lingering distrust, often punctuated by outbursts of ethnically related violence, has hampered more substantial chances of a lasting peace.

5.   It has been a victim of war profiteers, nationalist politicians and lingering distrust between Muslims and Croats who fought a year-long war.

6.   Some lingering distrust between the two military powers surfaced Wednesday, when Russian Defense Minister Igor Rodionov cited China among Asian countries that pose a military danger to Russia.

7.   The leaders plan to sign a reconciliation declaration Wednesday calling on their citizens to end the lingering distrust spawned by painful memories of World War II and its aftermath.

8.   The two plan to sign a reconciliation declaration Wednesday calling on their citizens to end the lingering distrust spawned by painful memories of World War II and its aftermath.

9.   There is some lingering distrust between the two military powers, however.

10.   Yet private businesses still suffer from lingering distrust among Communist Party conservatives and often find themselves at a disadvantage in disputes with state companies.

a. + distrust >>共 119
mutual 18.44%
deep 17.66%
public 6.49%
growing 5.19%
lingering 3.12%
widespread 2.86%
strong 2.08%
deep-seated 1.56%
popular 1.30%
profound 1.30%
lingering + n. >>共 527
concern 9.76%
effect 5.45%
question 4.76%
doubt 4.63%
problem 3.25%
fear 2.89%
dispute 2.06%
tension 1.60%
bitterness 1.37%
uncertainty 1.28%
distrust 0.55%
每页显示:    共 12