1.   Some programs also offer users a limited ability to Decide for themselves which sites to block.

2.   It is useful too for pupils with limited reading abilities.

3.   Work by Tebby supports an assessment of mosaicists as craftsmen of limited geometrical ability.

4.   The deployment of metaphor and simile in The Inheritors suggests that the people are not yet capable of developing their ideas, because of their limited analytic abilities.

5.   It cannot be sold and individuals have only a limited ability to transfer non-human wealth into human wealth.

6.   Time and time again we see horses with limited physical ability, but a big heart, out performing the physically talented horse.

7.   Although Lyashenko and Muller scored their goals while playing on other lines, that group is more than a couple of bruisers with limited offensive ability.

8.   And they have a limited ability to understand consequences.

9.   Autism was believed to be solely a human condition, characterized by a limited ability to communicate and a lack of response to others.

10.   Because shelters have limited space and animals have a limited ability to be warehoused, there is no practical way to stock up on preferred pets.

a. + ability >>共 842
athletic 6.71%
uncanny 2.94%
natural 2.22%
physical 2.06%
limited 1.84%
great 1.81%
remarkable 1.59%
technical 1.53%
unique 1.06%
acting 1.06%
limited + n. >>共 1353
number 6.63%
amount 2.91%
resource 2.42%
time 2.15%
success 2.01%
partnership 1.86%
over 1.44%
oil 1.41%
access 1.38%
partner 1.33%
ability 0.61%
每页显示:    共 59