1.   In San Francisco, lilacs are a sure-fire conversation stopper.

2.   In their hundreds of forms, lilacs are now well-established in American and European gardens.

3.   Lilacs are in flower, the pink blossoms so profuse that leaves are barely visible.

4.   Lilac is a family enterprise.

5.   Lilacs are easy to propagate by scoring the underside of a low branch in several places, bending it to the ground and covering it with soil.

6.   Lilacs are extremely resilient, hardy and long-lived.

7.   That initial display was set when the lilac was still comfortably at home in the nursery.

8.   That one, I hope, will return when the lilacs are next in bloom.

9.   The lilacs are in bloom, the peas are planted.

n. + be >>共 1635
problem 0.82%
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result 0.67%
thing 0.63%
report 0.57%
question 0.56%
official 0.55%
time 0.53%
issue 0.48%
lilac 0%
lilac + v. >>共 20
be 37.84%
bloom 13.51%
bring 2.70%
continue 2.70%
drench 2.70%
enjoy 2.70%
fade 2.70%
get 2.70%
have 2.70%
love 2.70%
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