1.   But each was unique, irreplaceable, a child like no other.

2.   On a personal level, McDuff inhabited a subculture of drugs, prostitution and violence that, like other foul regions of society, carries great literary potential.

3.   And like any other proud but forgetful grandma, she boasts about her offspring -- only to repeat herself, word for word, a half-hour later.

4.   The two drivers liked each other immediately, bringing a new chemistry to the team.

v. + other >>共 13
like 18.18%
have 13.64%
consider 9.09%
get 9.09%
keep 9.09%
tear 9.09%
enjoy 4.55%
hear 4.55%
know 4.55%
put 4.55%
like + a. >>共 100
better 25.15%
best 3.51%
fine 2.92%
to_blame 2.92%
other 2.34%
hot 1.75%
flat 1.17%
boxing 1.17%
cold 1.17%
lightning 1.17%
每页显示:    共 4