1.   A broad flow of moist air from the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic will produce widespread clouds and lighter showers near the Southeast coast and in the southern Appalachians.

2.   A steady stream of Pacific moisture will bring heavy rain to the Northwest coast while intermittent lighter showers occur east of the Cascades.

3.   By Sunday night and early Monday, locally heavy rain will reach central and eastern Pennsylvania while lighter showers expand northward.

4.   Clouds and lighter showers will linger near the southern and central Appalachians.

5.   Farther west, clouds and lighter showers will linger in eastern and central parts of Oklahoma and Texas.

6.   Farther north along the Canadian border, clouds and lighter showers will prevail.

7.   Farther north, lighter showers will dampen the eastern Ohio Valley and northern Appalachians.

8.   Farther north, lighter showers will occur Monday from the eastern Great Lakes to the interior Northeast.

9.   Farther north over the northern Mississippi Valley, abundant clouds and lighter showers will occur in the mild, moist air.

10.   Farther to the northwest, lighter showers will precede a cold front in the eastern Great Lakes.

a. + shower >>共 391
scattered 38.30%
isolated 11.51%
light 8.88%
heavy 4.38%
afternoon 4.00%
likely 1.86%
spotty 1.46%
hot 1.35%
occasional 1.16%
brief 1.06%
lighter 0.85%
lighter + n. >>共 365
sentence 13.20%
side 5.56%
fluid 4.67%
shower 3.62%
touch 2.25%
moment 2.25%
note 1.85%
wind 1.85%
weight 1.85%
rain 1.77%
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