1.   A sketch of the all-beef patty included a lighted fuse.

2.   Goodman is cast in the Bacall role, as Walter Sobchak, a bowling brute with a lighted fuse.

3.   The action-adventure sizzles along like a lighted fuse.

4.   Others were beaten with cables and bars, burned with heated scissors, wrapped with lighted fuses and kept in vats of water.

5.   The battle raging around the Bosnian enclave of Bihac is a lighted fuse that could ignite a wider regional conflict.

a. + fuse >>共 56
lit 6.54%
blown 5.61%
long 5.61%
faulty 4.67%
lighted 4.67%
defective 4.67%
simple 4.67%
burning 3.74%
slow 3.74%
slow-burning 3.74%
lighted + n. >>共 170
candle 16.30%
cigarette 6.25%
room 4.35%
match 3.53%
window 2.72%
shop 1.36%
fuse 1.36%
firecracker 1.36%
torch 1.36%
restaurant 1.09%
每页显示:    共 5