1.   The large room was lit by a paraffin lamp on a table.

2.   The meeting hall was an elongated poorly lighted room bordering on bareness.

3.   The room was dimly lit by the flame of a single candle.

4.   The room was lit by a red light from the burning houses behind it as Anne crunched over broken crockery and plaster.

5.   The room was lit by a single kerosene hurricane lamp in the center of the table and a few candles.

6.   The room was lit by dozens of candles.

7.   When he woke up, stiff and uncomfortable, the early summer dawn was lighting the room.

8.   The room was lit by one large, central light.

9.   The room was lit by only the one light.

v. + room >>共 665
make 13.84%
have 12.97%
leave 12.61%
enter 5.04%
fill 3.76%
find 2.58%
rent 1.85%
share 1.48%
give 1.26%
see 1.24%
light 0.47%
light + n. >>共 395
candle 19.79%
fire 14.23%
cigarette 8.57%
sky 3.01%
fuse 2.73%
match 2.46%
bonfire 2.18%
torch 1.99%
flame 1.76%
room 1.62%
每页显示:    共 35