1.   The body was clothed in a purple gown and a silver pectoral cross winked in the flickering candle light.

2.   I staggered off to sleep and was awakened by my master, his face bathed in a pool of candle light.

3.   A lumen, simply put, is the amount of light one candle can shine on a one-foot-square section of a surface.

4.   Bring out the fine china, turn on soft music, scatter rose petals, light candles.

5.   Faces glow in the candle light.

6.   He said homeless people who live there use candle light because there is no electricity inside.

7.   In the nearby neighborhood of Mea Shearim, candle light flickered inside synagogues as Orthodox men rocked back and forth as they prayed.

8.   Lasers power electrical sockets and light candles.

9.   Light candles.

10.   On Monday, Germans will hear speeches, attend church services and light candles in memory of the dead.

a. + candle >>共 190
votive 11.02%
lighted 7.78%
lit 5.71%
single 5.71%
flickering 4.54%
scented 4.54%
white 4.54%
burning 4.15%
light 2.98%
lighting 2.59%
light + n. >>共 1615
rain 5.36%
snow 5.10%
shower 4.77%
truck 4.40%
wind 3.06%
injury 2.09%
fixture 1.88%
rail 1.52%
switch 1.09%
plane 1.03%
candle 0.23%
每页显示:    共 23