1.   The accent was on lifting restrictions on individual liberty.

2.   Announcing the changes, Ratsiraka also said that he favoured lifting restrictions on political parties, which hitherto had been required to belong to the FNDR.

3.   And some said the government had jumped the gun by lifting restrictions before the free market had a chance to nurture alternatives to the monopoly providers.

4.   Blackwell said the Pentagon must assure links with European companies are possible by lifting restrictions on foreign companies doing defense business in the U.S.

5.   -- Give broker-dealers broader access to capital by lifting restrictions on their borrowing.

6.   Holvis became more investor-friendly by lifting restrictions on shareholder voting rights and by disclosing more financial information.

7.   Last month, Izvestia printed a confidential letter that Korzhakov had written, urging Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin to reverse his policy of lifting restrictions on oil exports.

8.   Such is their mood in the current war with the Palestinians that they almost bolted last weekend at the mere suggestion of lifting restrictions on Arafat.

9.   Tammy Selee, marketing director of Harmon Tours in Boise, Idaho, also thinks that lifting restrictions would create an initial flurry of interest.

10.   The Ministry of International Trade and Industry will propose lifting restrictions on retailers operating hours.

a. + restriction >>共 582
new 11.74%
tight 3.25%
tighter 3.00%
severe 2.72%
legal 2.41%
similar 2.38%
further 2.10%
tough 1.77%
proposed 1.77%
tougher 1.63%
lifting 0.64%
lifting + n. >>共 125
sanction 25.64%
weight 14.87%
restriction 5.90%
operation 2.31%
device 2.05%
box 1.54%
equipment 1.28%
gear 1.28%
price 1.28%
tariff 1.28%
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