1.   But deregulation also could make life worse for small users.

2.   But women also never expected the economic and political tumult that has gripped the former East bloc to make their lives worse.

3.   Now the onetime national hero has become a despised figure to millions of Russians who believe he has made their lives worse than they were in Soviet times.

4.   Now he fears that the increased U.S. anti-drug efforts in Colombia may unintentionally make life worse for Panama and its neighbors in Central America.

5.   There is always a study, and its findings always make life a little worse.

6.   Organizers plan to make life worse for the rest of the participants this week.

7.   Many share the same confluence of natural and manmade disasters that make life worse than in other devastated places.

8.   Many share the same confluence of natural and manmade disasters that makes life worse than in other devastated places.

9.   Sub zero winter temperatures and regular snowfalls have made an already difficult life even worse for Kabul residents, who have been without electricity for nearly three years.

n. + worse >>共 171
matter 43.93%
thing 17.15%
situation 10.85%
problem 6.98%
condition 1.52%
life 0.68%
look 0.61%
crisis 0.53%
plight 0.38%
loss 0.38%
life + a. >>共 171
easier 20.30%
difficult 17.05%
miserable 10.54%
better 5.18%
harder 2.81%
easy 2.11%
tough 1.85%
private 1.67%
tougher 1.67%
interesting 1.49%
worse 0.79%
每页显示:    共 9