1.   Intellectual risk takers are the life blood of our school system and provide the vision which we so much need.

2.   We have no state aid and individuals such as yourself are the life blood of our conservation work.

3.   Such women bewitch men and suck out their souls and their life blood.

4.   Do you know if there are major aspects of the civilian life blood of their country being ripped out?

5.   Blythe said this is the life blood of good crisis management.

6.   Capital is the life blood of Wall Street because firms use it as collateral to borrow money, which they invest in the worldwide stock and bond markets.

7.   In future years, China could even come to rely on American naval power to keep sea lanes open to ensure the uninterrupted flow of its economic life blood.

8.   Jackson has a weakness for the sneers, complaints and put-downs that are the life blood of television comedy.

9.   Warm ocean water is the life blood of the wind circulation in a hurricane.

n. + blood >>共 107
life 6.97%
way 3.98%
type 2.99%
artery 2.49%
pump 1.99%
gate 1.99%
cause 1.99%
snake 1.99%
stage 1.99%
cow 1.99%
life + n. >>共 557
sentence 27.45%
imprisonment 17.27%
insurer 5.47%
support 5.41%
term 5.08%
saving 4.37%
story 4.21%
experience 2.70%
vest 1.56%
ban 1.02%
blood 0.23%
每页显示:    共 14