1.   Library patrons who read romances are other good sources of information.

2.   And most states have similar laws protecting library patrons from disclosure of their book-borrowing habits.

3.   And Magdalen Ross, a library patron who ran unsuccessfully for the board last year, is trying for a seat again this month because of the janitorial decision.

4.   And most challenges to books are initiated by parents, library patrons and school administrators.

5.   Another library patron is running for election to the board on a dissident platform because of the decision.

6.   A library patron who wants to use the Internet computers must surrender his or her library card and sign a copy of the policy.

7.   But young library patrons also have access to specialized databases through the Ohio Public Library Information Network.

8.   For the occasional library patron who abuses the privilege of Internet service, there are laws punishing public lewdness, possession of child pornography and predatory behavior.

9.   Forty-eight states have laws that protect the privacy of library patrons.

10.   He is part of a group of Internet publishers of similarly blocked sites, as well as libraries and library patrons.

n. + patron >>共 102
art 16.85%
restaurant 11.61%
library 8.61%
club 5.99%
nightclub 3.00%
casino 2.62%
cafe 1.87%
movie 1.87%
museum 1.87%
music 1.50%
library + n. >>共 262
book 8.34%
system 4.68%
card 4.58%
official 3.97%
service 3.46%
shelf 3.05%
staff 3.05%
user 2.64%
patron 2.34%
facility 1.53%
每页显示:    共 23