1.   A player knows it is time to do something when the screen ratio changes to the horizontal letterbox format.

2.   It has all the appearances of a slick, edgy drama, right down to the letterbox format.

3.   Movies in letterbox format capture the full movie image by displaying the movie at full width and showing black bars at the tops and bottoms of the television screen.

4.   NBC is trying to make up for past cinematic transgressions by airing the entire film, with some of the musical sequences in wide-screen letterbox format.

5.   Showing the episode in movie-style letterbox format was a nice touch, too.

6.   The video transfer is well-produced in a letterbox format with new, thoroughly adequate English subtitles.

7.   First, the dream sequences involving the P. Ramlee characters were presented in a letterbox format, giving it a very classic movie mood.

n. + format >>共 422
round-robin 4.64%
playoff 4.45%
file 3.66%
radio 2.67%
team 1.98%
debate 1.78%
tournament 1.68%
store 1.58%
music 1.19%
header 0.99%
letterbox 0.69%
letterbox + n. >>共 2
format 87.50%
player 12.50%
每页显示:    共 7