1.   In this respect the task is bigger, less reliable in its outcome, and in need of much greater definition.

2.   On the other hand, occasional sampling, while less time-consuming, will give less reliable data.

3.   Once it has been damaged, the Steam Tank becomes increasingly less reliable.

4.   Slightly less competitive than a Hillman Hunter and a good deal less reliable it has yet to race.

5.   The electricity supply is less reliable in mountainous areas of the country.

6.   The glow from a thousand points of light seems less reliable than that from the lightbulbs of a well-financed bureaucracy.

7.   Thirdly, specific dictionaries are less reliable due to their inconsistency.

8.   Trend data on employment and economic activity rates for women are less reliable, particularly given their low unemployment registration rates.

d. + reliable >>共 111
more 32.03%
most 15.83%
less 9.08%
as 4.80%
only 3.15%
usually 3.00%
not 2.78%
very 2.10%
highly 2.03%
always 2.03%
less + a. >>共 1148
likely 6.77%
expensive 4.33%
attractive 3.54%
important 1.82%
competitive 1.39%
clear 1.31%
certain 1.20%
serious 1.13%
optimistic 1.06%
severe 1.03%
reliable 0.42%
每页显示:    共 120