1.   No legislation prohibits it, except in certain circumstances.

2.   If approved by Governor Michael Dukakis, the legislation would prohibit discrimination against homosexual men and women in housing, employment, credit, insurance, and public accommodation.

3.   Risks above a certain high level are intolerable and their causes are often prohibited by legislation.

4.   This legislation prohibits or restricts the exclusion of terms that would otherwise be implied in contracts of supply.

5.   But the Ashcroft legislation prohibits the use of federal funds for proselytizing.

6.   In addition, there have been disagreements as to whether any legislation should prohibit affirmative action in the private sector as well.

7.   It would require a law change by each state because legislation currently prohibits using bistate tax money for sports stadiums.

8.   Legislation prohibits banks from owning large stakes in non-financial companies.

9.   Previous legislation prohibited establishing a temporary storage site in the same state as the permanent repository, but the new bill changes this provision.

10.   Supporters insist this version will be more popular than earlier bills because the new legislation would prohibit affirmative action or preferential treatment based on sexual orientation.

n. + prohibit >>共 262
law 37.44%
rule 10.96%
regulation 3.81%
bill 3.77%
policy 2.04%
constitution 2.04%
state 1.82%
agreement 1.78%
legislation 1.73%
government 1.60%
legislation + v. >>共 566
be 14.37%
allow 3.77%
require 3.60%
pass 3.26%
have 3.21%
make 2.46%
give 2.25%
go 1.98%
provide 1.79%
include 1.76%
prohibit 0.97%
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