1.   But the legislation also authorized intrusive new surveillance powers for law enforcement agencies, crackdowns on aliens and an ill-advised blurring of the line between military and police forces.

2.   It said that any legislation authorizing federal employees to give Congress classified information about government wrongdoing without official approval would be unconstitutional.

3.   Some of those companies will get traditional permits, while some intend to apply for new-style voluntary permits that pending legislation would authorize, Marquez said.

4.   The legislation only authorizes the agencies to spend the money, however.

5.   The legislation authorizes increasing three different security forces.

6.   The legislation authorizes three years of spending for the new Surface Transportation Board.

7.   The legislation would also authorize prosecutors to seek civil fines against anyone who blocks access to a clinic.

8.   The same legislation authorized the construction of the memorial to the Indians killed in battle.

9.   This year the Alaska congressional delegation pushed hard for legislation to authorize a road through the Izembek wilderness.

10.   Unfortunately, however, the legislation authorizes other dubious steps.

n. + authorize >>共 165
government 10.42%
resolution 7.74%
bill 7.29%
law 6.55%
board 3.13%
official 2.68%
legislation 2.53%
council 2.23%
court 2.23%
committee 2.08%
legislation + v. >>共 566
be 14.37%
allow 3.77%
require 3.60%
pass 3.26%
have 3.21%
make 2.46%
give 2.25%
go 1.98%
provide 1.79%
include 1.76%
authorize 0.41%
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