1.   Muddying the issue of how much pirated software is on the Internet is the tremendous amount of software legally available to download.

2.   They think Marijuana should be legally available for medical purposes.

3.   As enormous amounts of personal detail have become legally available at the push of a button, there is even greater competition for the more private kind of data.

4.   Because it is legally available to adults and socially accepted, many young people are very surprised to hear this.

5.   It is not legally available to them in any other medium.

6.   But it would be a cynical and craven surrender for Congress to interfere with legally available medicines that offer hope to women seeking to exercise a constitutional right.

7.   Food and Drug Administration officials say there is no therapeutic need for the drug since so many other sedatives have been approved and are legally available.

8.   Gosse said it would be the first singles party in which security guards would be on hand to make everyone sign an affidavit verifying they are legally available.

9.   In the meanwhile, some substance abuse counsellors worry that adolescents may confuse the legally available products with the illegal Ecstasy.

10.   Neither is there a ground swell to make surrogacy legally available to anyone but married heterosexual couples.

d. + available >>共 191
immediately 32.42%
not 26.67%
also 5.17%
readily 4.33%
widely 3.67%
now 2.56%
yet 1.81%
still 1.62%
only 1.53%
currently 1.28%
legally 0.16%
legally + a. >>共 257
binding 13.90%
blind 5.61%
drunk 4.44%
bound 4.36%
responsible 4.36%
required 3.94%
enforceable 3.02%
available 2.26%
married 1.84%
dead 1.76%
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