1.   Exercises that strengthen the abdominal muscles are often helpful, such as leg raises and half sit-ups.

2.   It starts with a warmup and slides into how to execute various types of punches, kicks and leg raises.

3.   Leg raises are one of the simplest ways to wake up and develop those abdominal muscles.

4.   That includes sit-ups, crunches and leg raises to develop flat, muscular stomachs.

5.   These include leg raises, using a baby for extra weight, as well as leg work done standing at the kitchen counter.

6.   His workout included walking laps with weights wrapped around his ankles, leg raises and walking along a red stripe on the floor.

n. + raise >>共 124
pay 70.00%
salary 3.33%
merit 2.27%
teacher 1.87%
wage 1.33%
year 1.07%
leg 0.80%
cost 0.40%
fare 0.40%
demand 0.40%
leg + n. >>共 278
injury 27.24%
spinner 6.08%
muscle 5.23%
wound 3.63%
room 3.39%
cramp 3.39%
iron 3.39%
bone 3.20%
side 2.36%
stump 2.12%
raise 0.28%
每页显示:    共 6