1.   Always marinate meat, covered, in the refrigerator, and do not use leftover marinades that have been in contact with raw meat.

2.   Discard any leftover marinade.

3.   Heat any leftover marinade to a boil, in the microwave if you wish, to kill bacteria.

4.   Slop the leftover marinade into the skillet, add the green onion, boil until reduced by half and pour over the liver.

5.   Thread the chicken, sausage and bay leaves onto skewers and baste with the leftover marinade.

a. + marinade >>共 73
remaining 18.00%
reserved 12.67%
excess 4.67%
leftover 3.33%
hot 2.67%
liquid 2.67%
chicken 2.67%
quick 2.00%
spicy 2.00%
additional 1.33%
leftover + n. >>共 322
food 6.11%
turkey 3.76%
chicken 2.19%
potato 2.19%
embryo 2.19%
money 2.19%
meat 1.88%
sauce 1.88%
ham 1.57%
campaign 1.25%
marinade 0.78%
每页显示:    共 5