1.   Regions of interest were drawn over the liver, spleen, lungs, and left kidney ensuring that the liver ROI excluded the descending aorta and right kidney.

2.   The liver, spleen, and left kidney TACs were deconvoluted with the lung curve using a modified fast Fourier transform technique as described by Juni et al.

3.   Ultrasonography showed hydronephrosis of the left kidney, which was confirmed by intravenous urography.

4.   Baron Davis threw the first punch, an uppercut from his left kidney that ended wildly, finding nothing but air.

5.   Four years ago, not just his career but also his life was at stake, when he had surgery to remove a cancerous left kidney.

6.   He also had a cancer relapse and a tumor was removed from next to his left kidney last August.

7.   He is hospitalized with broken bones in his hand and a damaged left kidney.

8.   He was wounded in the groin, thigh, left kidney and buttock and underwent extensive surgery at Albany Medical Center Hospital before being released last week.

9.   His left kidney, which had been smashed earlier in the season on a crushing hit, was again exposed.

10.   His left kidney and part of his intestine were removed after he was found to have cancer.

a. + kidney >>共 170
new 6.63%
chronic 5.38%
left 5.20%
bruised 5.20%
artificial 3.94%
serious 3.41%
severe 2.51%
right 2.51%
transplanted 2.51%
human 2.15%
left + n. >>共 352
knee 11.37%
side 9.43%
foot 6.02%
ankle 5.66%
shoulder 5.63%
leg 5.56%
arm 4.68%
eye 3.50%
tackle 2.91%
hook 2.43%
kidney 0.18%
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