1.   Graduate lecture courses are few at present but may be expected to grow in number in the near future.

2.   Its role is to oversee the general academic running of the subject in Oxford, and it concerns itself, for example, with the lecture course and examinations.

3.   It is advised by an academic committee specifically concerned with the structure and balance of the lecture course.

4.   Joining the faculty of the School of Business Administration, he gave lecture courses on business policy, the environment and production.

5.   No longer are students spoon-fed mountains of information during lengthy lecture courses, said Dr. Daniel R. Alonso, senior associate dean for academic affairs.

6.   The couple began attending the lecture course at Valley Beth Shalom after seeing the advertisements.

7.   The graduate teaching assistants lead weekly discussion sections for large lecture courses and teach introductory foreign language and freshman English classes.

8.   To find answers, the lecture course will address several themes.

9.   Will said he will commute to Cambridge every Friday for a semester to lead a two-hour lecture course along with two tenured professors.

n. + course >>共 765
college 6.98%
crash 6.38%
road 3.92%
race 3.09%
language 2.29%
computer 1.93%
education 1.78%
slalom 1.31%
business 1.28%
summer 1.28%
lecture 0.30%
lecture + n. >>共 55
circuit 23.46%
hall 22.55%
tour 14.58%
series 11.16%
room 3.87%
note 2.73%
course 2.28%
demonstration 1.82%
fee 1.59%
class 1.14%
每页显示:    共 10