1.   At colleges and universities, graduate-student teaching assistants are often the backbone of large lecture classes, especially in the sciences.

2.   His reading and math comprehension were well below college level, and his ability to process information from a book and in lecture classes was impaired.

3.   However, as an Echols Scholar, Rob could avoid large lecture classes at Virginia if he chose to do so.

4.   In one lecture class last spring, several students were found to be shopping and day trading while in class.

5.   Last fall, he taught a large lecture class on critical issues in urban policy.

n. + class >>共 855
business 3.59%
freshman 3.48%
weight 3.31%
college 2.39%
gym 2.36%
dance 2.17%
math 1.99%
art 1.89%
science 1.87%
history 1.82%
lecture 0.12%
lecture + n. >>共 55
circuit 23.46%
hall 22.55%
tour 14.58%
series 11.16%
room 3.87%
note 2.73%
course 2.28%
demonstration 1.82%
fee 1.59%
class 1.14%
每页显示:    共 5