1.   If the lease contains an absolute prohibition on assignment, there is no obligation on the lessor to give consent.

2.   The lease contains a bargain purchase option-that is, an option to buy the asset at a very low price.

3.   Nearly all leases contain restrictions against alienation restricting the circumstances in which the lessee may assign, sub-let or share occupation of the property.

4.   Leases contain their own procedures for defaulting tenants who do not pay the increased rental determined by an expert.

5.   It is accordingly advisable for the lease to contain a right to terminate the lease if reinstatement has not taken place within a reasonable period.

6.   Greenstein said that most proprietary leases contain clauses that make shareholders responsible for everything inside their apartments while the co-op is responsible for everything else.

7.   The private party claimed that the leases contained an implicit waiver of the power to impose a severance tax on the oil and gas.

n. + contain >>共 1651
report 2.79%
bill 2.63%
book 1.76%
package 1.74%
letter 1.63%
document 1.52%
site 1.39%
product 1.29%
bag 1.23%
agreement 1.09%
lease 0.10%
lease + v. >>共 89
be 24.00%
expire 22.93%
require 3.47%
allow 3.20%
run 3.20%
come 2.40%
end 2.13%
give 2.13%
include 2.13%
contain 1.87%
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