1.   Nearly all the leading contenders have all been eliminated over the last year or so.

2.   Over the last week Johnson, a native of West Salem, Wis., became the leading contender for the post.

3.   Solar power and fusion power are the two leading contenders.

4.   There are three leading Tory contenders.

5.   The three leading contenders were locked in a dogfight.

6.   She has emerged as a leading contender in the field.

7.   Although no clear winner emerged from the debate, most commentators believed that Clinton had performed well enough to consolidate his position as the leading contender.

8.   Kruger and Brannen are the leading contenders.

9.   Although he received a cheering ovation for his lamb and chicken kebobs, his lasagna dinner on a previous night was the leading contender for meal of the week.

a. + contender >>共 351
leading 11.42%
presidential 11.26%
top 10.42%
serious 5.13%
strong 5.07%
republican 4.87%
the 3.69%
possible 3.08%
main 2.98%
democratic 2.82%
leading + n. >>共 813
candidate 6.71%
role 4.16%
scorer 2.85%
cause 2.66%
member 2.50%
contender 2.45%
figure 2.21%
opposition 2.00%
politician 1.70%
company 1.43%
每页显示:    共 354