1.   Labor leaders worry that workers will end up spending more and more home time as well as office time working.

2.   Badly burned every time they have touched Social Security in the past, Republican congressional leaders worry that the president would rather have a campaign issue than a law.

3.   Belgian business leaders worried that the affair will tar Belgium as a bad place to do business.

4.   Allied leaders worry that rearming the Bosnian Muslims could lead to a wider, and more dangerous, Balkan conflict.

5.   Business leaders worry that unemployment payroll taxes will increase because so much money has been diverted from the fund.

6.   But many Arab leaders worry that the US initiatives remain more rhetoric than substance.

7.   But some community leaders worry that those plans may translate into little tangible gain.

8.   But state Republican leaders worried that an intraparty contest in the nonpartisan election would allow Miller to waltz to victory.

9.   But the subject had been broached nonetheless, and black and Jewish leaders worried about a new eruption of tension between their groups.

10.   Certainly, some civic leaders worry that despite a dynamic new leader in Demps, the school district may not be able to reverse its long troubles.

n. + worry >>共 727
official 8.76%
investor 5.90%
people 4.44%
analyst 3.42%
expert 3.26%
critic 2.95%
parent 2.36%
economist 1.93%
leader 1.37%
environmentalist 1.27%
leader + v. >>共 705
say 12.25%
be 9.33%
meet 2.85%
agree 2.30%
have 2.15%
call 1.93%
discuss 1.27%
make 1.19%
urge 1.13%
want 1.11%
worry 0.12%
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