1.   Second, they intend to develop a certification program for school leaders interested in smaller schools and other reform.

2.   At a separate seminar for business leaders interested in investing in the Congo, Kabila and four top officials accompanying him were regularly applauded as they pleaded for investment.

3.   Aznar will participate in meetings between Bolivian and Spanish business leaders interested in promoting investment and trade between the two countries.

4.   Brown was leading a group of American business leaders interested in investing in former Yugoslavia.

5.   But Western officials and many Albanians consider Berisha himself a power-hungry leader only interested in personal gain.

6.   He heads a group of U.S. business leaders interested in education.

n. + interest >>共 247
company 4.55%
business 1.87%
people 1.87%
leader 1.60%
most 1.60%
student 1.60%
team 1.60%
investor 1.34%
increase 1.34%
remains 1.34%
leader + v. >>共 705
say 12.25%
be 9.33%
meet 2.85%
agree 2.30%
have 2.15%
call 1.93%
discuss 1.27%
make 1.19%
urge 1.13%
want 1.11%
interest 0.02%
每页显示:    共 6