1.   The Iraqi military leaders were arriving out of sight of cameras, under allied escort, and stripped of their weapons.

2.   After the families posed for photographs with the president, the business leaders arrived for lunch.

3.   But when leaders arrived at the White House for budget negotiations Thursday afternoon, Clinton said he wanted to keep at least part of the tax cut bill alive.

4.   Despite hundreds of hours of advance negotiations, not a single issue had been resolved before the leaders arrived in Nice on Thursday.

5.   European Union leaders are arriving in Dublin, amid fading hopes that their informal summit can inject any urgency into talks on reforming EU institutions.

6.   Early the next morning, Cheney flew to Crawford to brief the president on the encounter before the Saudi leader arrived at the ranch.

7.   It was a dramatic example of how relations have flipped since the era when American leaders arrived in Moscow with names of Russians they wanted sprung from political detention.

8.   Joseph, who helped organize the event, said all the Native American leaders arrived Saturday and rode to the parade in limousines.

9.   More likely, one will remain alone at the helm for a time until a new leader arrives.

10.   Over the centuries, successive leaders have arrived and undone the work of their predecessors so their own efforts can be better seen.

n. + arrive >>共 998
police 5.84%
team 3.13%
delegation 1.77%
troop 1.63%
officer 1.48%
air 1.20%
official 1.16%
plane 1.15%
soldier 1.05%
leader 1.05%
leader + v. >>共 705
say 12.25%
be 9.33%
meet 2.85%
agree 2.30%
have 2.15%
call 1.93%
discuss 1.27%
make 1.19%
urge 1.13%
want 1.11%
arrive 0.39%
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