1.   Amgen will also have the option to lead commercialization efforts but both companies can participate.

2.   Among U.S. companies, Mobil has led efforts to repeal the law.

3.   Analysts say he has helped lead the effort to raise advertising and circulation revenues with aggressive pricing, while curbing costs.

4.   And leading the effort would be Gov. William Weld.

5.   And she is leading an effort to try to prevent child abuse.

6.   And J.P. Morgan Chase is leading an effort to securitize private equity, in much the way that mortgage-backed securities are packaged and traded.

7.   And he led efforts to streamline the Food and Drug Administration to streamline procedures.

8.   Andersen acknowledges that partners in Houston led an effort to destroy thousands of documents relating to Enron at a time when the SEC was conducting a preliminary inquiry.

9.   Arias, who has led the effort for the Code of Conduct internationally, would like to see the money once spent on weapons go to demobilize armies instead.

10.   As in the earlier, seesaw voting, moderate Republicans led the effort, and provided the crucial margin, against their party leaders.

v. + effort >>共 652
make 10.71%
hamper 3.33%
support 3.26%
continue 3.03%
step_up 2.47%
coordinate 2.23%
lead 2.13%
block 1.69%
resist 1.49%
undermine 1.47%
lead + n. >>共 844
way 5.64%
team 5.53%
decline 3.20%
league 2.78%
group 2.61%
delegation 2.14%
country 2.04%
nation 2.00%
charge 1.84%
effort 1.81%
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