1.   An honest answer would have covered divorce settlements, layoff notices, fertility tests and triglyceride levels.

2.   And with the close of the deal Monday, the first wave of layoff notices will go out to employees.

3.   Associated said that it followed federal guidelines, giving employees a two-month mass layoff notice, and that those employees no longer work for Associated.

4.   Boeing traditionally has issued its layoff notices in increments throughout the year.

5.   Boeing, in fact, is scheduled to deliver Friday the first layoff notices to workers in its commercial airplane division.

6.   A House-Senate conference committee will work out the differences between the two versions, but layoff notices are going out to already thinly staffed BIA offices.

7.   Employees will receive layoff notices the next few weeks, she said.

8.   It has not issued any layoff notices for the operations, which produce raisins, dates, prunes and nuts and are headquartered in Fresno.

9.   Kirkpatrick said some nontenured professors in the College of Liberal Arts have already recieved layoff notices, with more to come.

10.   Layoff notices were issued throughout the day to full-time, part-time and temporary workers.

n. + notice >>共 256
advance 20.07%
eviction 8.11%
death 5.81%
layoff 3.62%
strike 2.41%
termination 2.19%
draft 1.86%
renewal 1.54%
default 1.32%
recall 1.32%
layoff + n. >>共 62
announcement 27.48%
notice 14.86%
plan 8.11%
threat 5.41%
bill 4.05%
worker 2.70%
rate 2.25%
staff 1.35%
number 1.35%
figure 1.35%
每页显示:    共 33