1.   During the Senate hearings, the IRS had been faulted for lax supervision of employees, resulting in the privacy of hundreds of taxpayers being violated.

2.   Federal and state regulators imposed embarrassing sanctions on the bank that took it to task for lax supervision and weak controls on money laundering.

3.   Hanssen told the investigators that he had little fear that his computer hacking would attract the attention of his superiors, given the lax supervision of the computer system.

4.   If bugs were planted in America, it would suggest lax supervision by the Chinese security personnel.

5.   Investors also criticized the stock exchange and other regulators for what they saw as lax supervision of the move.

6.   The element of murder suggests that the scandal goes far beyond a few dishonest workers profiting from lax supervision.

7.   The Metropolitan Police commissioner, Paul Condon, publicly apologized for the lax supervision of his force.

8.   The NASD has been under SEC investigation for the last year and a half on allegations of lax supervision of large brokerage firms.

9.   The report said that banks had become better attuned to the dangers posed by lax supervision of their dealings with hedge funds since the Long-Term Capital debacle.

10.   The U.K. report blamed unauthorized trades by Leeson in Singapore, management failure in London and lax supervision by the Bank of England for the collapse in February.

a. + supervision >>共 211
international 9.64%
medical 6.66%
close 6.06%
strict 5.12%
adult 4.61%
parental 3.50%
direct 3.16%
federal 2.99%
state 2.30%
proper 2.13%
lax 1.79%
lax + n. >>共 175
security 16.69%
enforcement 11.88%
safety 6.45%
regulation 3.92%
standard 3.79%
law 3.54%
oversight 3.41%
control 3.16%
attitude 2.78%
supervision 2.65%
每页显示:    共 21