1.   The lawyer portrayed his client as a victim of child abuse.

2.   But in a presentencing hearing on Thursday, a defense lawyer portrayed Kambanda as an unwilling puppet whom Hutu militants had coerced to lead the government in the massacres.

3.   But other lawyers portray Zer as excessively litigious and wont to fly off the handle.

4.   Defense lawyers portray a family so frustrated by dealing with a dysfunctional state mental health system that they were simply forced to give up.

5.   Defense lawyers portrayed their clients as victims of entrapment by zealous government agents who had used an elaborate scheme to create crime where there was none.

6.   Defense lawyers portrayed their clients as low-level drug ring functionaries who had agreed to intimidate Colon and Borja-Molina, but not kill them.

7.   His lawyers portrayed the two women as liars.

8.   His lawyers then portrayed him as mentally ill and the judge in the case denied him permission to represent himself.

9.   His lawyer portrayed him as an angry young man with drug and drinking problems who had simply followed the lead of Slavin, then slashed one worker in self-defense.

10.   In defending President Clinton, his lawyers have portrayed the case against him as one cobbled together from events that were often trivial and open to varying interpretations.

n. + portray >>共 328
official 4.89%
prosecutor 4.34%
film 4.02%
medium 3.58%
actor 2.61%
movie 2.50%
report 2.50%
government 2.28%
book 2.06%
lawyer 1.95%
lawyer + v. >>共 494
say 29.39%
be 5.86%
argue 4.28%
have 2.27%
ask 2.05%
tell 1.51%
file 1.30%
try 1.13%
represent 1.13%
contend 1.06%
portray 0.15%
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