1.   Area lawmakers discuss their top legislative priorities as the budget debate continues.

2.   Augusta area lawmakers discuss the possibility of peace in the Balkans and what it will take to keep Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic in check.

3.   Brazilian lawmakers are discussing this week part of the payroll constitutional amendment, fueling expectations reforms will be passed before the end of the year.

4.   Bush said he would deliver that message to Congress as lawmakers discuss proposals to end the certification process.

5.   Lawmakers also are discussing a proposal to prevent the commission from disclosing any proposed fines against a funeral home until they become final.

6.   Lawmakers are discussing the possibility of another multibillion-dollar package, which could include more generous unemployment benefits, public works spending, and tax cuts.

7.   Lawmakers discussed that proposal at the meeting today.

8.   Meanwhile, some lawmakers have discussed blocking the shipment of Windows XP for fear that the program may thwart competition.

9.   Opposition legislators have taken a similar line, and they boycotted a session of Congress Thursday at which lawmakers discussed investigations into the bribery videotape and the proposed elections.

10.   Other lawmakers openly discuss trading votes or eagerly ask lobbyists for campaign contributions in Capitol hallways.

n. + discuss >>共 652
official 8.58%
leader 8.31%
side 6.00%
minister 4.75%
two 4.20%
meeting 4.08%
man 2.92%
company 2.79%
group 1.87%
government 1.71%
lawmaker 0.84%
lawmaker + v. >>共 977
say 10.39%
be 7.62%
have 2.60%
want 2.11%
vote 1.97%
approve 1.94%
call 1.47%
consider 1.46%
pass 1.27%
agree 1.10%
discuss 0.48%
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