1.   At Gingrino strategy sessions the laughter had rippled with the vino.

2.   Laughter rippled from one railroad car to the next, followed by waves of applause.

3.   Laughter rippled through the room.

4.   Laughter ripples across the room.

5.   Laughter rippled through the crowd.

6.   Muted laughter ripples through the audience.

7.   Nervous laughter rippled forward as Thompson rushed to keep his counsel within the bounds of political correctness.

8.   Slightly judgmental laughter rippled through the audience.

n. + ripple >>共 150
murmur 3.93%
wave 3.93%
laughter 3.49%
effect 3.49%
applause 2.18%
muscle 2.18%
breeze 1.75%
flag 1.75%
change 1.75%
trouble 1.75%
laughter + v. >>共 115
be 35.29%
fill 3.06%
subside 2.82%
stop 2.82%
erupt 2.59%
come 2.35%
seem 2.12%
have 2.12%
ripple 1.88%
die_down 1.65%
每页显示:    共 8