1.   A month before the Letelier killing, Washington ordered its ambassadors in the region to warn Latin leaders not to carry out the murders.

2.   During the trip, Clinton had hoped to begin discussions with Latin leaders on a huge free-trade area covering both American continents.

3.   He was the Latin leader Americans loved to like, but by now he is the Mexican all his compatriots love to hate.

4.   His comments were echoed by other Latin leaders, who said resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict would defuse tensions in the Middle East.

5.   Increasingly, Latin leaders speak more than American English.

6.   It is not unusual for Latin leaders to say one thing to U.S. officials and another publicly in response to their domestic political needs.

7.   Latin leaders complain that the Clinton administration is dragging its feet in opening U.S. markets in keeping with its pronouncements in favor of free trade zones.

8.   Most Latin leaders want it even more desperately than we do.

9.   The hope is that the Carter Center will be able to work with Latin leaders and the international community to curtail bribery.

10.   But Latin leaders complain that U.S. attention is inconsistent.

a. + leader >>共 507
palestinian 8.27%
party 3.98%
political 3.64%
republican 3.27%
the 3.06%
union 2.96%
congressional 2.28%
religious 1.95%
military 1.80%
former 1.76%
latin 0.02%
latin + n. >>共 365
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country 3.84%
name 3.11%
market 2.74%
word 2.19%
nation 1.83%
rhythm 1.83%
root 1.46%
leader 1.28%
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