31.   Last night, he gave no hint of an apology for any part he may have played in the latest crisis of his political career.

32.   Like the latest crises here, the Snow Brand milk debacle has carried a strong whiff of scandal about it.

33.   Like more than a few Russians, Nikolayev said the latest crisis worried him not even a bit.

34.   Menem triggered the latest crisis when he went on a spending spree in an effort to gain a third term.

35.   Netanyahu maintained the aggressive stance he has taken since the latest crisis broke, displaying no remorse over the bungled operation and insisting such methods will continue.

36.   No plant failures or downed power lines are behind the latest crisis, utility officials said.

37.   Russians are facing the latest crisis with fatalism and gallows humor.

38.   Russian officials said Friday that the latest crisis occurred as the crew was preparing for the repair mission.

39.   Somehow, this latest crisis initiated by the Mariners could help squeeze an all-out effort from many different corners.

40.   Tension shot through the crowd as Fidel Castro dealt with his latest international crisis.

a. + crisis >>共 401
economic 20.56%
financial 13.83%
asian 8.14%
political 6.37%
current 5.25%
monetary 1.65%
regional 1.62%
latest 1.50%
humanitarian 1.27%
constitutional 1.17%
latest + n. >>共 1083
round 2.77%
development 2.47%
attack 1.66%
report 1.53%
incident 1.51%
version 1.30%
move 1.12%
victim 1.10%
poll 1.09%
violence 1.09%
crisis 0.92%
每页显示:    共 225