1.   Accidents, either at birth or at any later stage in life, can cause mental handicap.

2.   At a later stage the study will be extended to differences in office skills.

3.   At later stages a few problems did develop, but they involved only a small minority of the cases.

4.   At later stages a thick crayon and a large felt tip suited particular areas of Marking.

5.   Audetto, who was present in the later stages, once denied to me that it transpired entirely as Niki says.

6.   Building up experience and discovering magic items gives Samson an enhanced chance of surviving the later stages of the adventure.

7.   But it invited the rivals to come back at a later stage.

8.   In the later stages of cooling however both the inside and the outside behave elastically and thus their contractions get out of step.

9.   More patients in the elective group need angioplasty at a later stage.

a. + stage >>共 1095
early 14.33%
final 7.09%
first 5.94%
second 3.72%
next 3.67%
later 2.81%
planning 2.37%
different 1.71%
initial 1.65%
late 1.62%
later + n. >>共 1242
date 13.70%
year 12.69%
stage 4.21%
today 2.59%
life 2.13%
time 1.73%
round 1.31%
hour 1.27%
flight 1.08%
use 1.05%
每页显示:    共 271