1.   As a last resort they can take late-payers to the small claims court.

2.   But in the last resort what really moves us is our personal convictions.

3.   But in the last resort, political Decisions rest upon judgement, or political wisdom, and upon interests.

4.   Chemicals If used strictly according to recommendations, chemical treatments have their place, if only as a last resort for serious threats.

5.   Drug treatment should only be used as a last resort.

6.   Economic sanctions will be used only in the last resort.

7.   Great power status was in the last resort the ability to wage war.

8.   Imposing answers to thorny moral quandaries ought to be an option of last resort in a democracy.

9.   In buildings of more than two storeys, wait for the fire brigade, and jump only as a last resort.

a. + resort >>共 498
last 25.57%
coastal 4.46%
southern 3.40%
alpine 3.12%
egyptian 2.93%
popular 2.65%
mediterranean 2.00%
swiss 1.75%
israeli 1.62%
northern 1.28%
last + n. >>共 522
season 13.70%
year 7.78%
summer 7.20%
fall 5.24%
time 4.81%
weekend 4.53%
week 4.10%
day 3.19%
spring 3.07%
month 2.95%
resort 0.95%
每页显示:    共 815