1.   Another powerful storm will lash portions of the Pacific coast Tuesday.

2.   Strong winds lashed portions of the interior West Saturday as a potent Pacific cold front swept across the region.

3.   Windswept rain will lash portions of the Northwest Coast from northern California to Washington as a complex front approaches from the Pacific.

4.   Windswept rain will lash portions of the West Coast Monday as a plume of Pacific moisture arrives ahead of an approaching cold front.

5.   Windswept rain will lash portions of the Pacific Northwest Wednesday as a powerful low pressure system grinds toward the British Columbia coast.

v. + portion >>共 576
use 3.58%
invest 2.63%
sell 2.42%
pay 2.10%
affect 1.79%
donate 1.79%
spend 1.58%
receive 1.52%
control 1.31%
remove 1.31%
lash 0.26%
lash + n. >>共 125
part 6.25%
area 5.86%
single 5.08%
city 4.69%
rain 4.30%
ball 3.91%
region 3.91%
double 2.73%
coast 2.34%
portion 1.95%
每页显示:    共 5